Newsletter Aug 19, 2024: Kicking off the 2024-25 School Year!
Weekly updates from SF Parents Back-to-School Welcome! Dear SFUSD Families, Teachers, and Public School Champions, With a new school year starting, we at SF Parent Coalition want to extend a warm welcome to new SFUSD families and teachers and a warm welcome back to those returning to our schools. We’re excited to kick…
Read MoreNewsletter Aug 19, 2024 Chinese
隨著新學年的開始,三藩市家長聯盟謹向新加入三藩市聯合校區的家庭和教師表示熱烈歡迎,並熱烈歡迎那些重返學校的學生!我們很高興與您一起開啓 2024-2025 學年——我們希望本週對您和您的小(或大!)學習者都是美好的一周。
Read MoreNewsletter 7/31/24: Budget Campaign Launch
Weekly updates from SF Parents We hope you’re enjoying your summer and that the juggling act of summer camp scheduling hasn’t been too overwhelming. We’ve been busy planning for the upcoming school year, and we wanted to touch base with you about the district’s budget status and how our parent advocacy and your leadership can…
Read More為什麼我們要加大力度發起由家長主導的三藩市聯合校區的財務預算活動
兩年多來,三藩市家長聯盟(SF Parent Coalition)一直在倡導三藩市聯合校區解決預算問題,為學校提供充足的資源,確保每個學生都能接受優質的公共教育。幸運的是,三藩市聯合校區擁有許多資源充足的學校和教室。不幸的是,我們校區的資源分配不均,三藩市聯合校區仍遠未實現最終目標:平衡預算,將每一美元都與學生的成功掛鈎。
Read MoreUn mensaje especial para la comunidad
Weekly updates from SF Parents Hace tres años, en marzo de 2021, celebrábamos juntos el logro de finalmente reabrir nuestras escuelas en San Francisco. Después del prolongado cierre escolar pandémico, padres, maestros y miembros de la comunidad se unieron día tras día, ya sea en reuniones virtuales o manifestaciones en persona, y finalmente lograron esta…
Read MoreNewsletter 3/27/24: Literacy Update Message to Community
Weekly updates from SF Parents A special message to our community Three years ago in March 2021, we were celebrating together the win of finally get schools back open in San Francisco. After the longest pandemic school closures of any major urban city, parents, teachers, community members showed up day after day for…
Read More3/27/24: 三藩市家長聯盟致社區的一封特殊信函
Read MoreNewsletter Feb 29, 2024: SF Parents Honors Black History Month
Weekly updates from SF Parents As Black History Month comes to a close, SF Parent Coalition is recognizing the advocacy efforts and commitment of a handful of the Black leaders in our SF Parents network and the SFUSD community. At SF Parents, one of our top priorities is advocating for district policies that will eliminate…
Read MoreNewsletter Dec 13, 2023: Budget Report
Weekly updates from SF Parents December 13, 2023 We like to start with the good news whenever possible. And at last night’s Board of Education meeting there was some GREAT news. At long last, historic raises with significant salary increases for our teachers and staff were approved. If you’ve got a kid in public…
Read MoreNewsletter Dec 13, 2023: Informe de la Reunión: Aumentos Grandes Aprobados; Problemas con el Dinero Siguen
Weekly updates from SF Parents En la última reunión de la Junta Escolar, se aprobaron aumentos salariales para maestros en San Francisco, una noticia importante para reconocer su labor. Sin embargo, persisten preocupaciones: las vacantes continúan y se recortaron 927 puestos vacantes de 1113 para ajustar el presupuesto, cumpliendo con los requisitos estatales anuales. Sin…
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