4/3/2024 Budget Explainer, Updated

In March 2024, SFUSD provided an update on its budget crisis. Here is what parents need to know: SFUSD’s budget crisis extends beyond School Year 2023-24. SFUSD may or may not be able to meet its financial obligations in School Year 2024-25, SY 2025-26, SY 2026-27, and beyond. SFUSD could run out of money in…

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Un mensaje especial para la comunidad

Weekly updates from SF Parents Hace tres años, en marzo de 2021, celebrábamos juntos el logro de finalmente reabrir nuestras escuelas en San Francisco. Después del prolongado cierre escolar pandémico, padres, maestros y miembros de la comunidad se unieron día tras día, ya sea en reuniones virtuales o manifestaciones en persona, y finalmente lograron esta…

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Newsletter 3/27/24: Literacy Update Message to Community

Weekly updates from SF Parents A special message to our community     Three years ago in March 2021, we were celebrating together the win of finally get schools back open in San Francisco. After the longest pandemic school closures of any major urban city, parents, teachers, community members showed up day after day for…

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3/27/24: 三藩市家長聯盟致社區的一封特殊信函



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March 2024 Parent Research Update on K-8 Literacy and K-8 Math at SFUSD

SF Parent Coalition sent this research and advocacy memo on the state of early literacy and math changes at SFUSD to the Board of Education, Superintendent, and Department of Curriculum and Instruction in March 2024. The memo was researched and drafted by Jennie Herriot-Hatfield, an SFUSD parent, K-12 education consultant, SF Parent Coalition Board member,…

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Letter to BOE re: CVRA Litigation

San Francisco Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Matt WayneSan Francisco Unified School District555 Franklin StreetSan Francisco, CA 94102 Dear SFUSD Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Wayne, We are writing to urge you to move cautiously and consult additional experts before taking action on the proposed Board of Education resolution in response to the…

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Newsletter Dec 13, 2023: Budget Report

Weekly updates from SF Parents December 13, 2023   We like to start with the good news whenever possible. And at last night’s Board of Education meeting there was some GREAT news. At long last, historic raises with significant salary increases for our teachers and staff were approved. If you’ve got a kid in public…

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Newsletter Dec 13, 2023: Informe de la Reunión: Aumentos Grandes Aprobados; Problemas con el Dinero Siguen

Weekly updates from SF Parents En la última reunión de la Junta Escolar, se aprobaron aumentos salariales para maestros en San Francisco, una noticia importante para reconocer su labor. Sin embargo, persisten preocupaciones: las vacantes continúan y se recortaron 927 puestos vacantes de 1113 para ajustar el presupuesto, cumpliendo con los requisitos estatales anuales. Sin…

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Newsletter Dec 13, 2023: 教委會特訊:歷史性加薪獲批;預算困境仍在繼續

只要有可能,我們就喜歡從好消息開始。 在上週的教育委員會會議上有一些好消息。 最終,校區教職員工歷史性的大幅加薪獲得了批准。如果您的孩子在三藩市公立學校就讀,您就會知道我們的教職人員多麼應該得到加薪。三藩市聯合校區優先向教職員工支付優厚的工資,這一點非常重要——他們的福祉很重要並直接影響學生。

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Parent Budget Survey Takeaways

In September of 2023, SF Parent Coalition launched the Survey for Tomorrow’s Schools to be able to obtain parent and community input on what families hope to as a baseline commitment to our schools and our students as SFUSD addresses its budget deficit this year. Parents expect SFUSD’s commitment to a baseline of excellence and…

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