With a bit of your help, together we can turn San Francisco's public schools into a national beacon of excellence for all kids. Consider a one-time (or monthly!) gift of anything that is personally meaningful to you, whether that is $5 or $500. Your donation today helps us keep families informed and engaged, so they can be strong advocates for our city's 50,000 public school children.

More Ways to Give to SF Parent Coalition:

  • To securely give a gift of Stock, Crypto, DAF contribution, or endowment, click here
  • For ACH or wire transfers, please contact [email protected]
  • To donate by check, make check payable to:
    San Francisco Parent Coalition
    and mail to our accounting group:
    S.E. Owens
    re:  San Francisco Parent Coalition
    312 Clay Street, Suite 300
    Oakland, CA 94607

SF Parent Coalition is a 501(c)3 organization.  Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under law.  Tax-ID:  87-1264048

SF Parent Coalition fights for our city's students!  In May 2023 we activated our SF Kids Can't Wait campaign to advocate for improvements to SFUSD's K-8 math and reading programs so thta EVERY student is reading at grade-level or beyond.

SF Kids Can't Wait

Listen to why parents across San Francisco believe in the importance of what our organization is doing to lift up parent voices and keep students at the center of all public education decision-making.

SF Parent Coalition gets it done!  As an example of our effective advocacy based on strong collaboration and partnerships, during the winter for 2020-21 we worked with the SF business community and SFUSD, and organized over one hundred parents to volunteer to distribute COVID testing kits and PPE to SFUSD students and teachers.
