Understanding Your Student’s SBAC Test Results

Confused about how to read your student’s CA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Smarter Balanced English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics results? You’re not alone! First, a little background: Back in the 2010s when the country was implementing Common Core education reforms, California joined the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and participated in developing…

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What parents need to know right now about SFUSD RAI_2024

SFUSD’s RAI (Resource Alignment Initiative)  Click here for the RAI website. RAI is part of SFUSD’s goal to create “equitable and excellent schools for every student”. According to SFUSD, this goal is not currently being met because there are too few students, too many classrooms, and not enough teachers. What are the next steps for…

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Newsletter Aug 30, 2024: Board Report and Not to Miss Events

Weekly updates from SF Parents We hope the first couple weeks of the school year have been wonderful for your kid(s) and family so far. While you’ve been busy readjusting to the back-to-school schedules, our team at SF Parent Coalition has been busy focusing on the district-level goings-on and distilling that information for you.  …

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Newsletter Aug 30, 2024: 不容錯過的三藩市家長聯盟活動



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Save the Date: Mayoral Candidates on Public Education (9/16)

Weekly updates from SF Parents   At SF Parent Coalition, we believe that San Francisco should and can have world-class public schools where every student thrives. There are incredible things happening in our schools and classrooms each and every day, and we are proud to regularly showcase that work and remind San Francisco to “Go…

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在三藩市家長聯盟,我們相信三藩市應該而且能夠擁有世界一流的公立學校,每個學生都可以在公立學校內茁壯成長。我們的學校和教室每天都發生令人難以置信的事情。我們非常驕傲地定期向外界展示這些工作,並鼓勵更多的三藩市人選擇公立學校(“Go Public!”)。我們特別高興地看到我們的孩子和老師在本週一開始了2024-2025新學年。

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Newsletter Aug 19, 2024: Kicking off the 2024-25 School Year!

Weekly updates from SF Parents Back-to-School Welcome!   Dear SFUSD Families, Teachers, and Public School Champions,   With a new school year starting, we at SF Parent Coalition want to extend a warm welcome to new SFUSD families and teachers and a warm welcome back to those returning to our schools. We’re excited to kick…

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Newsletter Aug 19, 2024 Chinese


隨著新學年的開始,三藩市家長聯盟謹向新加入三藩市聯合校區的家庭和教師表示熱烈歡迎,並熱烈歡迎那些重返學校的學生!我們很高興與您一起開啓 2024-2025 學年——我們希望本週對您和您的小(或大!)學習者都是美好的一周。

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Newsletter 7/31/24: Budget Campaign Launch

Weekly updates from SF Parents We hope you’re enjoying your summer and that the juggling act of summer camp scheduling hasn’t been too overwhelming. We’ve been busy planning for the upcoming school year, and we wanted to touch base with you about the district’s budget status and how our parent advocacy and your leadership can…

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兩年多來,三藩市家長聯盟(SF Parent Coalition)一直在倡導三藩市聯合校區解決預算問題,為學校提供充足的資源,確保每個學生都能接受優質的公共教育。幸運的是,三藩市聯合校區擁有許多資源充足的學校和教室。不幸的是,我們校區的資源分配不均,三藩市聯合校區仍遠未實現最終目標:平衡預算,將每一美元都與學生的成功掛鈎。

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