简讯-中文 9.17.21 –

SF Parents Member Meeting!
Thursday, September 30th, 7:00 pm
9 月 30 日,星期四,晚上 7:00
Please join us for our first IN-PERSON member meeting!
STEP 1. Not a member yet? Join here.
STEP 2. After joining, RSVP here.
It will be a great opportunity to get to know each other in person! We’ll also have some brief content, including a short discussion of how to understand the plan at your children’s schools for addressing learning loss, and lots of fun.
第1步: 還不是會員?加入點擊這裡。
第2步: 加入後,在這裡盡快回复。
School News
- SFUSD in the **bottom 5%** of school districts in California for reading levels. What is an actual enormous crisis at SFUSD schools right now (and for many years)? Not in-school COVID-19 transmission, which is currently at zero, but appalling literacy rates. California Reading Coalition released its California Reading Report Card earlier this week, and SFUSD is currently ranked 267 out of 287, which puts the district in the bottom 5% in the state for reading levels. Might we humbly suggest that this would be an excellent focus for our Board of Education? Especially given that these numbers probably worsened during prolonged distance and hybrid learning?
- 三藩市聯合校區(SFUSD)的學生的閱讀水平在加州學區處於墊底的 5%。現在(以及未來幾年)三藩市聯合校區的學校面臨的真正的巨大危機是什麼?不是目前校內處於零傳播新冠病毒(COVID-19),而是令人震驚的文盲比例。加州閱讀聯盟本週早些時候發布了《加州閱讀報告單》。根據此《報告單》, 三藩市聯合校區目前在 287 個校區中排名第 267,這使得三藩市聯合校區在閱讀識字水平上處於該州倒數 5% 的位置。我們可以謙虛地建議我們教育委員會把這作為工作的重點麼?尤其是考慮到這些數字在過去延長的遠程教學和混合學習(面對面教學與遠程教學並存)期間可能已變得更糟糕。
- Take Action. The good news is that we can get every kid reading; and it’s not even a resource problem, for once. Instead, according to the report, “It is not the students themselves, or the level of resources, that drive student reading achievement–the primary drivers are district focus on reading, management practices, and curriculum and instruction choices.” Email [email protected] to get involved with our Curriculum/Literacy Committee, which will be putting on a number of educational events for parents+ in the coming weeks and months to help interested families constructively support your kid’s school(s) to get every kid reading, and reading well.
- 採取行動。好消息是我們可以讓每個孩子都閱讀;這不是因資源不足的偶發現象。相反,根據該報告,“推動學生閱讀成績的不是學生自身或資源水平問題——主要驅動因素是校區對讀寫、管理實踐以及課程和教學選擇的關注。” 發送電子郵件至 [email protected] ,來參與我們的課程/讀寫委員會,該委員會將在未來幾周和幾個月內為家長等舉辦一些教育活動,以幫助感興趣的家庭能積極地支持您孩子所在的學校,讓每個孩子都能讀書,好好讀書。
Clip worth watching: Commissioner Moliga commenting on how “this is a moment to step back and appreciate all the work we’ve been doing.” (We totally agree.)
值得一看的剪輯:莫力加 (Moliga)教委委員評論說 “有一個時刻,我們應退後一步,感謝我們一直致力於的所有工作。” (我們完全同意。)
- The messy Collins/Lopez resolution seems to have lost steam, much thanks to you. Commissioners’ Collins and Lopez’s strange resolution calling for invented public health measures at odds with recommendations by the Department of Public Health, was moved to the Board of Education’s Budget Committee for fiscal review; that body doesn’t meet for another three weeks. As a reminder, there have been zero cases of in-school transmission of COVID-19 to date in SFUSD thanks to the Dept of Health’s steady hand. Can we celebrate for a moment a HUGE parent advocacy win? This resolution losing steam was an incredibly successful win for parent advocates–thank you to everyone who called in. Of course there are still some issues that do still need our district’s attention, such as:
- 混亂的高勵思 (Alison Collins)/盧佩思 (Gabriela Lopez)決議似乎已失去了動力,這要非常感謝各位。教育委員高勵思和盧佩思發明出的與公共衛生部的建議不符的公共衛生措施,被提交教育委員會的預算委員會進行財務審查;那個預算委員未來三週都不會為此進行開會審查。提醒一下,由於衛生部的堅定態度,三藩市聯合校區迄今為止在校內傳播 COVID-19 的病例為零。我們可以慶祝一下因家長的努力和堅持而取得的巨大勝利嗎?對於反對該決議的家長倡導者來說,阻止了這項決議是一個令人難以置信的成功——感謝所有打來電話的人。當然,仍有一些問題仍然需要我們繼續關注,例如:
- Universal Modified Quarantine, including greater access to testing
- A true adult vaccine mandate for everyone working in SFUSD schools
- Learning loss & social emotional needs–what’s the plan? Where are the federal funds being spent?
- Higher-quality Online Learning Program, and instruction while in quarantine
- 經過調整的可普遍適用的隔離政策,包括更多的檢測機會
- 強制在三藩市聯合校區工作的每一個人都必須接種真正的成人疫苗
- 關於學習損失和社交情感需求——計劃是什麼?聯邦資金都花在哪裡了?
- 更高質量的在線學習計劃和隔離期間的指導
- SF Parents & Chinese Parent Advisory Committee (CPAC) Collaboration. We’re excited about our deepening relationship and partnership with CPAC. Since last November 2020, we’ve frequently translated our important communications and materials to Chinese and distributed through some of the Chinese parent leaders within our SFUSD community; we’ve also connected to stay abreast of the issues most important to the Chinese SFUSD community, particularly monolingual and immigrant families. This past month, however, that relationship deepened even further. Are you a Chinese American parent who wants to get involved with CPAC? Contact [email protected] to get involved.
- “三藩市家長聯盟”與“中國家長諮詢委員會 (CPAC)”的合作。我們對與中國家長諮詢委員會正逐步加深的關係和合作感到興奮。自2020 年 11 月以來,我們經常將我們的重要信息和材料翻譯成中文,並通過我們一些中國家長領頭人在三藩市聯合校區內分發;我們也非常關註三藩市聯合校區內的華人社區的重點問題,尤其是不講英語的家庭和移民家庭。並且,在過去的一個月裡,這種合作關係進一步得到加深。如果您是想參與到“三藩市家長聯盟”的華裔美國父母,請聯繫 [email protected] 參與其中。
- Before and After Care Progress? We want to check in on how before and after care is working for you and your child’s school(s). Have more spots opened up? Are wait lists still long? Contact [email protected] to share your feedback. Many before and after care programs were waiting for local college students to return to campus to hire up. Did it pan out? Props to Supervisors Ronen and Melgar for checking up on this important issue for families!
- 關於課前班和課後班的進展情況?我們想了解怎樣的課前班和課後班更能為您和您的孩子提供幫助。是否有更多的課前班和課後班已經實際開始正常運作了?等候名單還很長嗎?請聯繫 [email protected] 分享您的反饋意見。曾經許多課前班和課後班都在等當地大學生返回校園而招聘輔導老師。他們成功了嗎?支持主管羅寧(Ronen) 和梅爾加(Melgar)檢查這個對家長來說非常重要的問題!
- New vaccination sites at SFUSD schools. More amazing city-school district partnership news! Mayor Breed, the Department of Public Health, and SFUSD are partnering to open vaccination clinics at Malcolm X Academy School in the Bayview, Balboa High School in the Excelsior, McCoppin Elementary School in the Inner Richmond and Sunset Elementary School in the Outer Sunset. Read more details, including opening hours, here.
- 三藩市聯合校區的新疫苗接種點。有更多三藩市和三藩市聯合校區合作的好消息!布里德(Breed)市長和公共衛生部以及三藩市聯合校區正在合作,在 灣景區(Bayview)的馬爾科姆·艾克斯(Malcolm X Academy )學校、Excelsior 的 巴爾博亞(Balboa) 高中、列治文區(Richmond)的麥克考平(McCoppin)小學和外日落區(Outer Sunset) 的日落( Sunset) 小學開設疫苗接種診所。點擊此處閱讀更多詳細信息,包括開放時間。
- Fun fact about SF Parents. We are now fiscally sponsored by Community Initiatives! To date, we have raised about $10K, with the majority of donations in the $5-200 range, in our whole life cycle as Decreasing the Distance and now SF Parents. Yup, the heavy load of our work is still being carried by our incredible volunteers. Know of anyone who can help us get a fundraising program off the ground so we can support robust community organizing and parent support across the city? Send them our way ([email protected])! In the meantime …
- 關於“三藩市家長聯盟”的趣事。我們現在得到了名為“社區倡議”的一個組織在財政上的贊助!在“減少遠程教學”組織存在的整個期間以及作為現在的“三藩市家長聯盟”,迄今為止,我們共籌集到了大約 1 萬美元的捐款,其中大部分捐款在 5美元至200 美元的範圍內。是的,我們優秀的志願者們仍然承擔著我們工作中的重擔。如果您知道有誰可以幫助我們啟動籌款計劃,以便我們可以支持全市強大的社區組織和為家長服務的組織,請將他們的聯繫方式發送至郵([email protected])!同時 …