SF Parents Review of the 2023-24 LCAP

SFUSD 2023-2024 LCAP(First Reading) Review How exciting to get a preview of the 2023-2024 LCAP! Before diving into the dollars, I wanted to preface this initial review with the following points (which may be obvious, but are probably worth mentioning): So, with all this in mind, here are some initial findings from the SFUSD 2023-2024…

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Formal asks related to SF Kids Can’t Wait campaign

Dear Superintendent Dr. Wayne and SFUSD Board of Education, Parents, educators, community members, and supporters of math and reading equity and excellence have six requests for SFUSD district leadership to ensure we are improving access to high-quality education for every SFUSD student, starting with our youngest learners in elementary school. You’ve been starting to receive…

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SB 691 (Portantino) – SUPPORT

March 24, 2023Honorable Anthony Portantino1021 O Street, Suite 7630Sacramento, CA 95814Re: SB 691 (Portantino) – SUPPORT Dear Senator Portantino: I write on behalf of SF Parent Coalition in support of SB 691. This bill would require the State Board of Education (SBE) to adopt evidence-based screening tools which are culturally, linguistically, and developmentally appropriate to…

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SB 691 – Early Screening for Risk of Dyslexia – SUPPORT

March 17, 2023 The Honorable Josh NewmanChair, Senate Committee on Education1021 O Street, Suite 6740Sacramento, CA 95814RE: SB 691 (Portantino) – Early Screening for Risk of Dyslexia – SUPPORT Dear Chair Newman:I write on behalf of SF Parent Coalition in strong support of SB 691, which would help eliminateinequities of opportunity by requiring all local…

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Press Release: SFUSD in Crisis with Post-Pandemic Black Student Math Outcomes

*** PRESS RELEASE *** STATE DATA ON POST-PANDEMIC STUDENT OUTCOMES REVEALS EDUCATION CRISIS FOR BLACK STUDENTS ATTENDING SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Recently released data from the CA Department of Education illustrates that Black student proficiency in math has fallen far below pre-pandemic levels, and SF Unified now among bottom of districts across the state…

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Open Letter to SFUSD Superintendent Wayne and Board of Education

Dear Superintendent Wayne and the Board of Education Commissioners, What are we doing? New state reading and math proficiency scores should be a red flag for SFUSD On October 24th, SF Unified published in its news communications to families, educators, and the community that “SFUSD Remains Ahead of State in Students Meeting Standards.” This is…

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Press Release March 22, 2022

Parents are ready for a boring Board of Education. After two years of being ignored and treated with contempt, parents could not be more ready for a school board that is ready to effectively govern and focus on educating our children. Our district is still facing multiple crises, and the new board has a lot…

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SF Parent Coalition and four former BOE presidents calling for a delay in superintendent application deadline.

San Francisco, CA (Feb 8, 2022) – SF Parent Coalition and four former SFUSD school board presidents are calling for a delay in the deadline for superintendent candidates to submit their applications. The current deadline is February 18, 2022. The incoming Superintendent will face a challenging climate and, potentially, a new Board of Education. In…

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