Save the Date: Mayoral Candidates on Public Education (9/16)

Weekly updates from SF Parents


At SF Parent Coalition, we believe that San Francisco should and can have world-class public schools where every student thrives. There are incredible things happening in our schools and classrooms each and every day, and we are proud to regularly showcase that work and remind San Francisco to “Go Public!” We’re especially excited to see kids and teachers kick off the ’24-25 school year, on Monday!


At the same time, we are also reminded of the stubborn inequities that plague our local schools and the bureaucracies that prevent too many students from reaching their full potential. We know that past mishandling of our district’s budget has put local control of our schools at risk. San Francisco can do better, and we know this is a progressive city that cares about addressing issues when they can be improved.


That’s why we are bringing to you the five mayoral candidates–London Breed, Mark Farrell, Daniel Lurie, Aaron Peskin, and Ahsha Safai–to share their individual perspectives and visions on public education in San Francisco.


Join us on Monday, September 16th from 6:30-8:30PM (location forthcoming–for now please RSVP and save-the-date!) to to hear from the five candidates. The individual conversations with candidates will be facilitated by KQED’s Alexis Madrigal, and will focus on what’s happening in our public schools and how these candidates would improve public education in the city, collaborate with the school district and community, and work hard to ensure bright futures for every one of our city’s students.


See you on September 16th

Location forthcoming. Save the date!


SF Parent Coalition is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We envision a future where San Francisco is one of the best places in the country for children and youth of all races, socioeconomic backgrounds and abilities to grow up and get an excellent public education.



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