October 15, 2021 Newsletter (Chinese)



What’s up with the SFUSD budget crisis? A Q&A with Former Commissioner Rachel Norton 

Weds October 20 at 7-8 pm 

Former School Board Commissioner Rachel Norton will be joining us to answer YOUR questions about the SFUSD budget crisis and threat of state takeover of the school district. What is happening? Can this be solved? What should we be looking for from the Board and District right now? What does it all mean, and how will it impact our schools/my kids? Rachel will be joining for the first 30 mins. The second half we’ll be covering other pressing issues within SFUSD, including topics of your choice.

RSVP now! 


10 月 20 日星期三晚上 7-8 点, 举行有前教委委员罗慧中(Rachel Norton)参加的问答活动

前教委委员罗慧中将与我们一起回答您关于三藩市联合校区预算危机以及加州政府威胁接管三藩市联合校区的相关问题。 现在的情况如何? 这些问题有解决方案吗? 我们应关注教育委员会和联合校区的哪些行动举措? 这一切意味着什么?以及它将如何影响我们的学校和我们的孩子?雷切尔将参加会议的前半场;后半场将讨论三藩市联合校区中的其它紧迫问题,包括您想讨论的话题。

现在点击此处回复!RSVP now!

School News

  • Board of Education looking more closely at the district’s reading instruction. It’s great to hear the Board and District discussing what we can do to improve SFUSD’s upsetting reading outcomes. The district’s staff have offered to meet SF Parent Coalition families (you!) to share about what efforts are underway to improve literacy instruction in the district, including an audit of their literacy curricula and instruction focused on select elementary grades. More on that soon. In the meantime, Commissioners Collins and Lopez just introduced a resolution this week that, despite being yet again micromanage-y and not taking staff feedback into consideration, could help hold the district accountable to improving reading instruction, following a couple of important amendments. Read our statement on the proposed legislation here. The resolution will next be going to the Board of Education Curriculum Committee for discussion and recommendation. 


  • 教育委员会密切地关注联合校区学校的阅读教学指导。很高兴听到教育委员会和校区在讨论哪些措施可以改善三藩市联合校区令人不安的阅读水平现状。 校区的工作人员已提出与三藩市家长联合会(SF Parent Coalition)的 家庭(包括您在内!)见面,分享他们在改善校区学校的识字教学指导方面所做的工作,包括选择一些小学的文化课程和教学进行审计。很快会有这方便的更多消息。 与此同时,教委委员高励思(Collins)和卢佩兹(Lopez)本周刚刚提出了一项决议,尽管又是没有考虑其他工作人员反馈意见的微观管理,但在进行了几项重要修订后,决议能要求校区对提高学生阅读教学负起责任。 点击此处阅读我们关于拟议立法所做的声明。 该决议接下来将提交教委课程委员会讨论和推荐。
  • How do I make sure my elementary age kid is on track to read (well)? Check out this presentation of resources by Megan Potente, Co-State Director of Decoding Dyslexia CA. Big take away: Be on the lookout for whether your kid is able to “decode” words, and isn’t relying on pictures to guess the word. Click through the presentation for tools on how to do this. Plus: Megan is answering additional questions in our Facebook group here. Thank you, Megan!
  • 我如何确保我的处于小学阶段的孩子的阅读处于正常水平(或有好的阅读水平)? 查看加州解码阅读障碍联合主任梅根·波坦特(Megan Potente)的这份资源介绍。重要提示:注意您的孩子是否能够“解码”单词,而不是依靠图片来猜测单词。单击演示文稿以获取有关如何执行此操作的方法。另外:梅根在这里回答我们脸书(Facebook) 群组中的其他问题。 谢谢您,梅根!
  • Enrollment continues to decline in SFUSD–let’s turn it around. SFUSD has released updated enrollment data and, as many predicted, the numbers aren’t good. While we are seeing similar declines in public school enrollment across the state, there is no excuse for not asking why this is happening and what is in the school district’s power to buck the trend and attract families back to schools. Geek out on the numbers here.
  • 三藩市联合校区入学人数持续下降——让我们扭转该局面。 三藩市联合校区发布了最新的入学数据,正如许多人预测的那样,这些数字并不好。 虽然我们看到全州公立学校入学率出现类似的下降,但没有理由不问为什么会出现这种情况,以及校区有什么能力逆势而上并吸引家庭重返学校。点击这里查看数字。
  • Shining (a passionate) light on facility improvements. At Tuesday’s special Board of Education meeting, the Commissioners spent hours discussing how to reallocate bond money for facilities in order to meet pressing needs, including a school in desperate need of safety work. Though the Board was not able to vote on the proposals (it will likely be voted on just after this newsletter goes press), right now it looks like money will shifted away from upgrading 135 Van Ness (the planned sight for a renovated Ruth Asawa School of the Arts) and into upgrading Buena Vista Horace Mann, building the promised Mission Bay school, Green Schoolyards and outdoor classrooms, Columbine locks for all relevant schools and air purifiers. Read the full details here, as well as a proposal from Commissioner Alexander on an alternative proposal
  • 在设施改善方面闪耀着(热情)的光芒。 在周二的教委特别会议上,委员们花了数小时讨论如何重新分配设施保证金来满足一些学校改善设施的需要,特别是那些安全改善工作迫在眉急的学校。尽管教委当时无法对提案进行投票表决(很可能会在本通讯出版后,他们刚好进行投票)。现在看来资金将投向 Van Ness街的135号(用于更新 Ruth Asawa艺术学校计划中的项目)并升级 Buena Vista Horace Mann,建造承诺的 Mission Bay 学校、绿色校园和户外教室、为所有相关学校安装哥伦拜恩(Columbine) 锁和空气净化器。点击此处阅读详细信息以及亚历山大(Alexander)委员所提的替代提案。
  • This week’s SFUSD Budget facts. We know the conversation about the SFUSD budget crisis is complicated and confusing, so we’re going to do our best to share contextual facts as they arise; the intuitive, the surprising, and the sometimes hard to hear. There are worlds of conversations to be had around each piece of data, why this is and what it does and does not mean. Nonetheless, we are committed to sharing out vetted facts–without valence–to keep you informed.
  • 三藩市联合校区本周财政预算相关事实。 我们知道有关三藩市联合校区预算危机的各种说法复杂而令人困惑,因此我们将尽最大努力分享危机出现时的背景事实——直觉的、令人惊讶的、有时很难听到的事实,围绕每条数据都有各种对话,探讨“为什么会这样?这是否意味着什么?” 尽管如此,我们致力于分享真实的事实—没有经过篡改的事实,目的是让您随时了解情况。
  • Fact 1: Every SFUSD school is supposed to lay out how it spends its official district money (not PTA money) in its annual School Plan for Student Achievement. Get links to your school’s document here.
  • 事实一:每所三藩市联合校区的学校都应该在其年度《有关学生成就的学校计划》中说明其如何使用来自官方的校区资金(而非家长教师协议(PTA)的资金)。点击此处链接获取您学校的文件。
  • Fact 2: SF’s public schools are some of the highest funded schools across California (#1 of the largest 25 districts, and #5 across the whole state).
  • 事实二:在加州,三藩市的全部公立学校是获取资助最高的学校群之一(在最大的 25 个校区中排名第一,在全州排名第五)。幻灯片
  • Fact 3: Our School Board and District have until December 15th of this school year to determine a plan to cut over $125 million from next year’s budget. (Reminder: two weeks ago our School Board was unable to agree to a recommendation by staff that would’ve saved the district $5 million.)
  • 事实三:我们的教育委员会和校区必须在本学年的 12 月 15 日之前确定从明年的预算中削减超过 1.25 亿美元的计划。(提示:两周前,我们的教育委员会甚至无法同意工作人员可为校区节省 500 万美元的建议。)
  • Superintendent search moves forward. Did you know that Superintendent Matthews will be retiring from SFUSD at the end of next year, per prior agreement? We’ll be keeping a close eye on the search for a new superintendent. Right now, the Board of Education is working on selecting a recruiting firm to begin the official search.
  • 寻找联合校区学监的工作正向前推进。 您知道根据先前的协议,马修斯(Matthews)学监将于明年年底从三藩市联合校区退休吗? 我们将密切关注寻找新学监的情况。 目前,教育委员会正在着手选择一家招聘公司开始正式招聘。


  • *This Saturday,* Oct 16th, 10 am-1 pm: Stop by our table at the Children’s Council Fair! Pick up a few goodies for yourself and your kiddos!
  • October 20, 7:30-8:30 pm: After our parent meeting / Q&A on the SFUSD Budget with Rachel Norton, hop over to the Second District PTA 411 on Student Assignment Policy Change Planning.
  • October 28, 6-8 pm: A conversation on Dyslexia with special guest Kareem Weaver, hosted by Special Education Community Advisory Committee, AAPAC, Decoding Dyslexia and Support for Families. Learn more about the intersection of reading curriculum policy and equity. Register here.
  • October 31, 3-6 pm: If you’re looking for Halloween activities over in the Sunset/Parkside area, join us for trick or treating on The Great HauntWay, hosted by Kidsafe SF. We’ll be tabling!


  • *本周六,* 10 月 16 日,上午 10 点至下午 1 点:在我们的儿童委员会(the Children’s Council Fair)展位前驻足! 为自己和您的孩子挑选一些好东西!
  • 10 月 20 日,晚上 7:30-8:30:在我们与罗慧中关于三藩市联合校区预算的家长会议/问答之后,进入第二校区 411家长教师协会(PTA 411),了解变更学生作业政策的计划。
  • 10 月 28 日下午 6-8 点:与特邀嘉宾卡里姆·韦弗(Kareem Weaver)就阅读障碍进行对话,由 AAPAC 特殊教育社区咨询委员会、解码阅读障碍和家庭支持组织主持。了解更多关于阅读课程政策和教育公平相交叉的问题。 在此处注册。
  • 10 月 31 日下午 3 点至 6 点:如果您正在日落区/帕克赛区(Sunset/Parkside)寻找万圣节活动,请加入我们在大闹鬼(The Great HauntWay: 位于Taraval 和 Upper Great Highway交接处)进行的“不给糖就捣蛋”(trick or treating)的活动。 我们会桌子摊位!



  • 教育委员会直播 2021 年 10 月 12 日会议,《HereSay媒体》
  • 三藩市拟用4亿美元打造精英艺术高中和艺术中心的计划再次受到打击,《三藩市纪事报》
  • 老鼠出没的米慎区(Mission District)的学校可能很快就会得到急需的维修资金,《三藩市检查者》
  • 三藩市联合校区在两年内失去 3500 名学生,损失达 3500 万美元,《三藩市纪事报》
  • 美国孩子在《各国成绩单》上的成绩令人失望,《美国新闻与世界报道》
  • 三藩市教育委员会考虑有争议的预算危机解决方案,KALW
  • 在《三藩市纪事报》进行滥用渎职调查后,纽森(Newsom)禁止了将寄养青年送到的遥远的住宿治疗计划,《三藩市纪事报》