Posts Tagged ‘newsletters’
Parent Advocacy Updates, Newsletter Feb 1, 2023
Weekly updates from SF Parents Dear Parents and Supporters, It’s February and the start of Black History Month! We feel lucky to have a school district that recognizes rather than bans from the classroom the true history of Black Americans. Especially in light of the recent horrific brutality with Tyre Nichols’s fatal encounter with…
Read MoreEmail the BOE to call for stability + Thursday January 19 Newsletter
Weekly updates from SF Parents In our first newsletter of 2023, we shared hope for more of what we saw during the second half of 2022: a boring Board of Education. A continuation of the drama-free focus on students and improved educational outcomes. All the adults rowing the same direction, righting the ship and…
Read MoreIt’s 2023… What can parents expect from SFUSD & the BOE? (January Newsletter)
Weekly updates from SF Parents Happy 2023, SF Parent Coalition community! What’s on your wishlist for this year? Here are some things on ours: SFUSD’s follow through on their literacy commitments. Plus: We’d like to see schools supplement reading instruction with additional reading supports between now and the literacy program overhaul, which will require…
Read More12/29/2022 EOY and a Look Ahead
Weekly updates from SF Parents Dear Parents and Supporters, We thought 2021 was the Year of the Parent Advocate, but 2022 proved even more powerful. Parents kicked off the calendar year by mobilizing volunteer efforts in partnership with SFUSD and the business community to get PPE to teachers and students. Eighty parents signed…
Read MoreNewsletter December 29, 2022 Spanish
Weekly updates from SF Parents Pensamos que 2021 era el Año del Defensor de los Padres, pero 2022 demostró ser aún más poderoso. Los padres iniciaron el año calendario movilizando esfuerzos de voluntarios en asociación con el SFUSD y la comunidad empresarial para llevar PPE a maestros y estudiantes. Ochenta padres se inscribieron para postularse…
Read MoreNewsletter Dec 6, 2022 Spanish
Weekly updates from SF Parents No todos los boletines que recibimos comparten noticias tan increíbles. Tenemos una VICTORIA para que los estudiantes lo anuncien. Primero (ICYMI), en octubre, después de un año de investigación y defensa preliminar por parte de muchos de USTEDES (¡gracias!), la Junta de Educación adoptó una meta de mejora de la…
Read MoreNewsletter, December 6, 2022
Weekly updates from SF Parents It’s not every newsletter we get to share such awesome news. We have a WIN for students to announce. First (ICYMI), back in October, after a year of research and preliminary advocacy by many of YOU (thank you!), the Board of Education adopted an early literacy improvement goal in…
Read MoreNewsletter October 17, 2022 (English)
Weekly updates from SF Parents SF Parents Community, For over one year, SF Parent Coalition has been working with parents, teachers, community organizations, and SFUSD leadership to understand the literacy crisis impacting many of our 50,000 students. We’ve been equipping families with the information they need to advocate for their children at the school…
Read MoreNewsletter October 17, 2022 (Spanish)
Weekly updates from SF Parents Comunidad de padres de SF, Le pedimos que tome medidas urgentes HOY, para firmar nuestra petición de alfabetización que pide a los líderes del Distrito Unificado de San Francisco que se comprometan de inmediato con los cambios necesarios para ayudar a todos nuestros estudiantes a leer al nivel de su…
Read MoreNewsletter October 17, 2022 (Chinese)
我們要求您今日就採取緊急行動,簽署我們的《掃盲請願書》(literacy petition),呼籲三藩市聯合校區的領導們立即做出必要的改變,以支持我們所有的學生達到其所在年級學生應具有的讀寫能力。
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