Posts Tagged ‘newsletters’
August 28, 2023: No se pierda todo lo que está sucediendo en SFUSD…
Apenas unas semanas después del nuevo año escolar, ya hay una avalancha de noticias y rumores sobre lo que sucede en el SFUSD. Más sobre esto en un momento.
Noches de regreso a clases: cómo los padres pueden venir preparados
Read MoreBack to School Newsletter, Aug 16 2023
Weekly updates from SF Parents Back-to-School Welcome! Dear SFUSD Families and Family Champions, With a new school year starting, we at SF Parents want to extend a warm welcome to new SFUSD families and a warm welcome back to families returning to our schools! We’re excited to kick off the 2023-24 with you—we…
Read MoreNewsletter August 8, 2022 (English) Math Win for Kids!
Weekly updates from SF Parents Thanks to your persistent parent advocacy, SFUSD is now accelerating its timeline to fix the district’s K-8 math program! This past spring, district leadership outlined a three-year plan to evaluate, pilot and eventually implement changes to our district math program. This program has left too many kids without the academic…
Read MoreNewsletter August 8, 2023 (Spanish): GANAR LA CAMPAÑA Los Niños de SF No Pueden Esperar
¡Gracias a su constante defensa de los padres, ¡SFUSD ahora está acelerando su cronograma para arreglar el programa de matemáticas K-8 del distrito! La primavera pasada, el liderazgo del distrito delineó un plan de tres años para evaluar, poner a prueba y eventualmente implementar cambios en nuestro programa de matemáticas del distrito.
Read MoreNewsletter August 8, 2023 (Chinese)
感謝家長們堅持不懈的倡導呼籲,三藩市聯合校區現在正在加快修復校區 K-8 數學課程的時間表!去年春季,校區領導制定了一項三年計劃,旨在評估、測試並最終實施校區數學課程的改革。該計劃讓太多的孩子們得不到他們所需的教學指導和支持; 太多的學生——尤其是我們校區的黑人和拉丁裔學生——沒有達到其所在年級的標準。
Read MoreNewsletter July 12, 2023
Weekly updates from SF Parents We hope you are enjoying the summer and getting some R&R after another active school year. It was a big year for SFUSD, our children, our teachers, and for SF Parents. We’re taking a moment to reflect on important advocacy wins. In 2022-23, as a result of your relentless…
Read MoreNewsletter June 1, 2023
Weekly updates from SF Parents We’re seeing the many graduation festivities take place this week around San Francisco; if your kid is one of those graduates, congratulations to you and your child! We know that the Class of ’23 had ups and downs throughout their high school experience–including extended school closures for part of their…
Read MoreNewsletter April 26, 2023
Weekly updates from SF Parents Dear Parents and Supporters, It’s hard to believe how quickly we’re approaching the end of the 2023-24 school year. We’ve been busy over here at SF Parents, and we’re sure you’ve been, too. If you didn’t make it out for our happy hour at Manny’s, we hope you’ll join…
Read MoreNewsletter April 26, 2023 (Chinese)
我們本學年的最後一次月度會議將於 5 月 18 日星期四中午 12 點至下午 1 點通過 Zoom 召開,特邀嘉賓三藩市聯合校區( SFUSD) 教育委員會主席蒲啟華(Kevine Boggess) 將出席。
Read MoreNewsletter April 26, 2023 (Spanish)
Weekly updates from SF Parents Es difícil creer lo rápido que nos acercamos al final del año escolar 2023-24. Hemos estado ocupados aquí en SF Parents y estamos seguros de que usted también lo ha estado. Si no pudo asistir a nuestra hora feliz en Manny’s, esperamos que nos acompañe en la próxima. También próximamente…
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