SF Parent Coalition

SF Parent Coalition

Founded in the summer of 2020, SF Parents is a collective of 5,000+ San Francisco public school parents, students, teachers, and community supporters.

We center the needs of children and youth in San Francisco public schools by bringing together a diverse network of parents and caregivers to advocate for a thriving, equitable school system.


SF Parent Coalition is launching this community call-to-action to address persistent equity gaps in our public schools and take action for SF students.


New years 2022 Newsletter SFParents (English)

January 2, 2022 | Comments Off on New years 2022 Newsletter SFParents (English)

Reflecting on 2021.

This was, well, quite a year. For our families. For our kids. For our school staff and educators, for our city. It’s pretty hard to believe that January 2021 was *only* twelve months ago; at this point at SF Parent Coalition it feels like it’s already been a lifetime. Together we’ve organized and empowered families, and we’ve pushed to give our children a voice by speaking up to elected officials in a city that so rarely puts kids first. Together we: