Posts by meredith
Newsletter Oct 8, 2024: 三藩市聯合校區提議在2025-2026學年被關閉的三藩市公立學校名單
Read MoreNewsletter Sept 25, 2024: A year+ worth of S.F. education drama in just one week
Weekly updates from SF Parents It is September 25th, and the deadline for a school closures list (due 9/18) has come and gone, causing more uncertainty among many families and teachers. On top of that, a series of chaotic events unfolded this past week, and we are taking a moment to catch you up:…
Read MoreNewsletter Sept 25, 2024 Spanish
Weekly updates from SF Parents Estimada comunidad, Es 25 de septiembre y el plazo para la lista de cierres escolares (debía entregarse el 9/18) ya pasó, lo que ha causado más incertidumbre entre muchas familias y maestros. La semana pasada, ocurrieron varios eventos importantes que queremos resumir: Retraso en el anuncio sobre cierres escolares: En…
Read MoreNewsletter Sept 25, 2024: 一年多的舊金山教育風波在一周內上演
公佈擬關閉學校名單的截止日期 9 月 18 日已經過去,截止到今日寫稿的9 月 25 日,名單仍然未出。這給許多家庭和教師帶來了諸多不確定性。除此之外,過去一周還發生了一系列混亂事件,以下是最新情況:
擬關閉學校公告延遲:9 月 15 日星期日,我們都收到了來自三藩市聯合校區的消息,學校關閉時間表將延遲,從原定的 9 月公告日期推遲到 10 月的某個時間。作為回應,三藩市家長聯盟向韋恩博士發送了匯總各位家長問題的消息,反映了大家對最後一刻計劃變更的困惑以及對未來不確定而產生的焦慮。
Read MoreEmail to Dr. Wayne re: RAI
Hi Dr. Wayne, On Sunday, before the news of SFUSD’s delayed closure announcement, we sent you a document of questions sourced from SFUSD families across the city within our SF Parent Coalition network. Those questions focused on the plans and “non-negotiables” for impacted families at schools on the school closure list. Since the news broke that SFUSD…
Read MoreSFUSD 2024-25 Budget Summary & Funding Overview
Funding Overview San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) is primarily funded by the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which provides $631 million (89% of its revenue). This includes base, supplemental, and concentration grants, aimed at supporting students from low-income families, foster youth, and multilingual learners. Additional funding sources include: Total Budget: $708.5 million. Expenditure Overview…
Read MoreSFUSD 2024-25 School Plans for Student Achievement
Why are these school plans for student achievement (“SPSAs”) important, and how can I as a parent get involved? —> Learn more at SF Parent Coalition: SFUSD 2024-25 School Plans for Student Achievement: Click below to open the SPSA file for your kid’s school:
Read MoreUnderstanding Your Student’s SBAC Test Results
Confused about how to read your student’s CA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Smarter Balanced English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics results? You’re not alone! First, a little background: Back in the 2010s when the country was implementing Common Core education reforms, California joined the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and participated in developing…
Read MoreWhat parents need to know right now about SFUSD RAI_2024
SFUSD’s RAI (Resource Alignment Initiative) Click here for the RAI website. RAI is part of SFUSD’s goal to create “equitable and excellent schools for every student”. According to SFUSD, this goal is not currently being met because there are too few students, too many classrooms, and not enough teachers. What are the next steps for…
Read MoreNewsletter Aug 30, 2024: Board Report and Not to Miss Events
Weekly updates from SF Parents We hope the first couple weeks of the school year have been wonderful for your kid(s) and family so far. While you’ve been busy readjusting to the back-to-school schedules, our team at SF Parent Coalition has been busy focusing on the district-level goings-on and distilling that information for you. …
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