SF Parent Coalition

Founded in the summer of 2020, SF Parents is a collective of 5,000+ San Francisco public school parents, students, teachers, and community supporters.

We center the needs of children and youth in San Francisco public schools by bringing together a diverse network of parents and caregivers to advocate for a thriving, equitable school system.

New-to-SFUSD Parent Guide

Our parent volunteers over here at SF Parent Coalition worked hard to develop this thorough resource for New-to-SFUSD families. The brief guide reviews some basics about getting started at SFUSD and will help you navigate your first few months as a new family enrolling your kid in an elementary school at SF Unified School District.


SF Parent Coalition is launching this community call-to-action to address persistent equity gaps in our public schools and take action for SF students.



August 19, 2024 | Comments Off on 注册参加9月16日市长竞选人关于公立教育的论坛

在三藩市家長聯盟,我們相信三藩市應該而且能夠擁有世界一流的公立學校,每個學生都可以在公立學校內茁壯成長。我們的學校和教室每天都發生令人難以置信的事情。我們非常驕傲地定期向外界展示這些工作,並鼓勵更多的三藩市人選擇公立學校(“Go Public!”)。我們特別高興地看到我們的孩子和老師在本週一開始了2024-2025新學年。