SF Parent Coalition

Founded in the summer of 2020, SF Parents is a collective of 5,000+ San Francisco public school parents, students, teachers, and community supporters.

We center the needs of children and youth in San Francisco public schools by bringing together a diverse network of parents and caregivers to advocate for a thriving, equitable school system.

New-to-SFUSD Parent Guide

Our parent volunteers over here at SF Parent Coalition worked hard to develop this thorough resource for New-to-SFUSD families. The brief guide reviews some basics about getting started at SFUSD and will help you navigate your first few months as a new family enrolling your kid in an elementary school at SF Unified School District.


SF Parent Coalition is launching this community call-to-action to address persistent equity gaps in our public schools and take action for SF students.


Newsletter Sept 25, 2024: 一年多的舊金山教育風波在一周內上演

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公佈擬關閉學校名單的截止日期 9 月 18 日已經過去,截止到今日寫稿的9 月 25 日,名單仍然未出。這給許多家庭和教師帶來了諸多不確定性。除此之外,過去一周還發生了一系列混亂事件,以下是最新情況:

擬關閉學校公告延遲:9 月 15 日星期日,我們都收到了來自三藩市聯合校區的消息,學校關閉時間表將延遲,從原定的 9 月公告日期推遲到 10 月的某個時間。作為回應,三藩市家長聯盟向韋恩博士發送了匯總各位家長問題的消息,反映了大家對最後一刻計劃變更的困惑以及對未來不確定而產生的焦慮。