SF Parent Coalition

SF Parent Coalition

Founded in the summer of 2020, SF Parents is a collective of 5,000+ San Francisco public school parents, students, teachers, and community supporters.

We center the needs of children and youth in San Francisco public schools by bringing together a diverse network of parents and caregivers to advocate for a thriving, equitable school system.


SF Parent Coalition is launching this community call-to-action to address persistent equity gaps in our public schools and take action for SF students.


Newsletter December 29, 2022 Spanish

December 29, 2022 | Comments Off on Newsletter December 29, 2022 Spanish

Weekly updates from SF Parents Pensamos que 2021 era el Año del Defensor de los Padres, pero 2022 demostró ser aún más poderoso. Los padres iniciaron el año calendario movilizando esfuerzos de voluntarios en asociación con el SFUSD y la comunidad empresarial para llevar PPE a maestros y estudiantes. Ochenta padres se inscribieron para postularse…